Government & Educational Furnishings Company

Dec 16, 20211 min

Chairs, Chairs, & More Chairs!

While sitting comes naturally, there’s much more to the “get comfortable” part of this saying. It might take a simple height adjustment or a slide of the seat pan, but if the price of the chair does not align with your budget, it’ll never be the right fit for you. At 9to5 Seating, they focus exclusively on seating, bringing a new sense of design, comfort, health, and well-being to individual occupants of spaces. While other manufacturers invest in diversifying their offerings, they are 100% invested in making the most personal piece of furniture align with all of your needs. From task to lounge, they are designing and delivering chairs that are as much function as form. They also provide one of the industry’s best warranties, so not only will you be comfortable, you’re sure to stay that way with 9to5 Seating. GEFCO is proud to represent the 9to5 Seating line of furnishings!
